Working with the Patient Centricity team at a global pharmaceutical company to help different functions nad departments put the patient at the center of what they do. Resulting in patient centric products and services, organization wide capability training, open-source resources and training programs.



  • Conducted interviews with employees across the organization to understand the ways in which patient communications were created and used those insights to develop a training program that would integrate with the organizations process

  • A two-dat generative workshop with the cleint to define and co-create the what the main activiites and structure of the training program

  • Prototyped the training program first with our own colelagues and then a small team of the taget audience within the clients organization to refine the program

My role

  • Develop and design materials for each stage of the project from user research, co-creation workshop, and end devlierable

  • Synthesis of research into training user segments, learning objectives and development of curriculum activities

  • Co-faciliation of client engagement activities


  • Two distinct training programs were created to address the needs of key stakeholders - brand and communication teams, legal reviewers

  • Complete set of faciliarion tools cpatured the logistica and learning objxtes of running hte trianing, so that the clients could deliver the training independently over time

  • The following year the organization ran 12+ sessions of the training program across multiple departments


  • A two day co-creation session was held with patients, caregivers, patient advocacy organization and key stakeholders in the pharmaceutical organization such as brand team, research and development, and legal and regulatory reviewers

  • We developed concepts of patient communications as probes to ellicit reactions and start ideating on the possible content, visualis and narrative of the communciations.

  • Key content and questions were captured along with ideas on how it should be delivered through facilitated activities and templates

  • We then quickly build low-fidelity paper prototypes to present back to participants the next day to further refine and evaluate

My role

  • co-creation design including the overall experience, activity development and material creation

  • recruitment and participant preperation

  • Faciliation of co-creation session

  • Synthesizing findings to bio-medical communication who produced in-market materials


In testing:

  • 85% of patients found the new communications gave them more confidence to engage with their healthcare provider about the mangement of their treatment

  • 83% found the new version more useful

  • 92% found it was easier to understand than the earlier version